
When Potato has a Date with Pipengaille

By V

When Potato has a date with pipengaille… I found this title super funny. I was looking how to make an appealing title with the word “date” and came up with this one.

We are mixing vegetables with a fruit once again today after trying the Fruity Sweet Potato with Apricot.

Pipengaille (Ridge gourd) is mixed with potato and dates. Dates are used in dish for babies to add sweetness as it is not advisable to give sugar before the age of 1year. Dates havea  lot of benefits such as :







Souce: Organic Facts


Let’s see the steps of the recipe:

Print Recipe
When Potato has a Date with Pipengaille
Course Main Dish
Course Main Dish
  1. Prepare your ingredients. Peel the potato and the pipengaille.
  2. Cut the vegetables in small pieces for quicker cooking. Let steam for 15 minutes together with the dates.
  3. Steaming done. Just blend to this consistency that you prefer... voilaaa!
Recipe Notes

Always consult your pediatrician before giving new ingredient to your baby.