Hello mummies and daddies, I’ve got quite some posts and thought I will do a small compilation for parents who are starting to give solids to their babies. The pediatrician says to give one vegetable at a time to start with for 3 days to seek for allergies or any other reaction to food. I started giving solids to my girl when she was 6 months, I know some parents who started at 4 months also – so it is really up to the parents. I would always advise to check with your doctor first.

Check list of possibilities with only one main ingredient. Click on the link to access the recipe:



  1. CARROT PUREE [Karot]
  2. ZUCCHINI PUREE [Kourzet]
  3. SWEET POTATO PUREE [Batat-dous]

  4. PUMPKIN PUREE [Ziromon]
  6. PATISSON PUREE [Patison]
  7. CHOUCHOU PUREE [Sousou]
  8. BROCCOLI PUREE [Brokoli]
  9. SPINACH PUREE [Zepinar]
  10. BEETROOT PUREE [Betrav]